99. Parenting coordinator

99. Parenting coordinator

(1) Upon the making of an order for the parties to participate in a parenting coordination programme, the Registrar will select a parenting coordinator from the Court’s panel of parenting coordinators and send a Notice of Acceptance / Non-Acceptance by Parenting Coordinator (Form 97 of Appendix A of these Practice Directions) (“Notice”) to the selected member by email together with a copy of the Court’s order. The member may choose to accept or decline such an appointment by returning to the Registrar the completed Notice by email. If no response is received within 3 working days of the email, the member is deemed to have declined the appointment.

(2) All members on the parenting coordinators’ panel shall inform the Court of any changes to their email addresses within 7 working days of such change.

(3) Upon acceptance of the appointment, the parenting coordinator will receive a notification email from the Registrar providing the names and contact details of the parties and their respective solicitors, if any. The following documents will be enclosed with the notification:

(a) the Parenting Coordinator Checklist; and

(b) the Co-Parenting Questionnaire.

(4) Within 10 days from the receipt of the notification in sub-paragraph (3), the parenting coordinator shall contact the parties to arrange the first parenting coordination session. The parenting coordinator shall also send the Co-Parenting Questionnaire for the parties’ completion and return at or before the first parenting coordination session. Notwithstanding that the parties may be represented by solicitors, the parenting coordinator shall contact the parties directly and vice-versa throughout the course of the parenting coordination programme. The parties shall endeavour to provide the parenting coordinator with documents necessary to facilitate the parenting coordination programme, including but not limited to the documents filed in Court.

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